I wanted a “View on GitHub” link on this blog so you could quickly view the source code for any post. Here’s how I did it!

Hugo’s theme engine is pretty powerful, and I know I’m just scratching the surface with what’s possible. I use the Coder theme (the link’s in the footer of every page) but I’ve made a few customizations to it already, and I thought I’d document this latest one.

First, I wanted to make sure my implementation was pretty generic. Rather than hard-coding links to my GitHub repo into the code, I’ve defined some site parameters, which I’ve added to my config.toml file like this:

gitRepo = "https://github.com/mabster/mabster.github.io"
gitBranch = "main"

The gitBranch parameter is optional, as you’ll see below.

Next, I made a copy of the layouts\posts\single.html file from the hugo-coder theme folder, and added this chunk of code right under the “reading time” code block:

{{ if .Site.Params.gitRepo }}
        <a href='{{ .Site.Params.gitRepo }}/tree/{{ .Site.Params.gitBranch | default "main" }}/content/{{ path.Clean .File.Path }}'><i class="fa fa-github"></i> View on GitHub</a>
{{ end }}

For the uninitiated, that’s using Hugo’s markup syntax to check whether you’ve defined a “gitRepo” parameter. If you have, I render a link to the source file of the current page (defined in the .File.Path variable) on GitHub. I’m using FontAwesome to render a GitHub logo, since it ships with the Coder theme.

To give the span a little more breathing room, I also added this line to my custom css file:

.content .post .post-meta {
    margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
    font-size: 1.5rem;

.content .post .post-meta .date .reading-time {
    margin-right: 1.5rem;

That just shrinks the font, adds a bit of a right margin to the “reading time” span.

And there you have it! Now you can click “View on GitHub” at the top of any page and see the source! You might even like to send a pull request if you think there’s a problem worth fixing in a post.