The Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module wraps up all the Graph endpoints in PowerShell functions, but for security reasons, the Connect-MgGraph function doesn’t allow for stored (secret) credentials. However, since we host PowerShell Universal as an Azure App Service, and we have a managed identity for that app service, we can connect to Graph as the app!

First, make sure your App Service is configured as a system assigned managed identity. The documentation is pretty useful here. If you’re provisioning your app service from the Az PowerShell module, you can use Set-AzWebApp -AssignIdentity $true to enable it.

Next you’ll want to make sure your managed identity has the required Graph permissions. Thers’s a great post here on Stack Overflow explaining how to do that with the Graph module.

So let’s say you’ve enabled a managed identity for your app, you’ve connected to Azure in your startup script using that managed identity, and you’ve granted it Directory.Read.All so it can read user and group information for your tenant. You want to quickly get a list of all the members of a group with a given name. Here’s a script to do just that!

# First, get an access token for Graph from Azure.
$token = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName MSGraph

# Now connect to Graph using that access token.
Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $token.Token
try {
    $groupName = 'My Group'

    # Use Get-MgGroup to find the group with the given name.
    $group = Get-MgGroup -Filter "displayName eq '$groupName'"
    # Now use Get-MgGroupMember to return all the members of that group.
    Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $ -All
finally {
    # And lastly, disconnect from Graph.

There you have it! Once you have the appropriate Graph permissions, you can connect to Graph as your Azure system-assigned managed identity!